den 6 mars 2025, kl. 15:00
Vid seminariet presenterar Pernilla Norman sitt avhandlingsarbete. Efter en kort presentation kommer seminariets opponent, docent och advokat Helene Andersson, Advokatfirman Delphi kommentera arbetet. Därefter är det öppet för frågor och diskussion.
den 25 februari 2025, kl. 12:00
Seminar with Johan Lindholm, Professor of Law at Umeå University
den 17 februari 2025, kl. 12:00
Seminar with Professor Rob van Gestel. Rob van Gestel is professor of theory and methods of regulation at Tilburg University and professor of legal research methods at the KU Leuven. In his research he is focused on methodology of both law and legal research with a focus on methods of legislation/regulation, methods of judicial law-making and methods of scholarly legal research.
den 24 januari 2025, kl. 09:00
The conference aims both to deepen and broaden the attendees’ knowledge in European and Swedish competition law, while also updating the attendees’ substantive and methodological skills. The focus is on the current state of EU competition law and the conference places great importance on the current case law of the Union Courts and the European Commission. But also case law from Sweden is discussed extensively.
den 12 december 2024, kl. 12:00
Associate Professor Julian Nowag (Lund and Hong Kong) will precent his recent publication "When the DMA’s ambitious intentions interact with the EU’s constitutional set-up: A future drama in three acts"
den 20 september 2024, kl. 11:30
Dr Noreen O’Meara is an Associate Professor (Reader) of Human Rights, European and Environmental Law at the University of Surrey, UK. Noreen is a visiting Associate Professor at Stockholm University, contributing to the Masters in European Economic Law programme at the Faculty of Law. Current research projects focus especially on environmental governance, environmental pollution, and challenges in the trade policy landscape.
den 13 juni 2024, kl. 12:00
Seminar with Mar Jimeno Bulnes. Mar Jimenos Buelnes is Professor of Procedural Law, University of Burgos and currently Visiting Researcher at the University of Gothenburg. During the seminar she will present work in progress on her ongoing research project.
den 23 maj 2024, kl. 16:30
EU-domstolen har förändrats. Personaldomstolen har avskaffats och tribunalen har fått dubbelt antal ledamöter. Prövningstillstånd har införts för vissa överklaganden från tribunalen till domstolen. I år kommer kravet på prövningstillstånd utvidgas och tribunalen ska ta över ansvaret för förhandsavgöranden i vissa sakfrågor, bland annat mervärdesskattefrågor.
den 20 maj 2024, kl. 11:30
Annika Blekemo disputerade i februari och baserat på avhandlingen ”Entreprenadövergång – Anställningsskyddets gränser vid övergång av verksamhet” delar hon några tankar om hur vi nationellt fastställer gällande rätt på ett område som i stora delar styrs av EU-rättens dynamik och om vi verkligen uppnår en EU-konform tolkning. Kommentator: Katarina Fast Lappalainen
den 6 mars 2024, kl. 12:00
Seminar with professor Johan Lindholm from Umeå University.
den 26 februari 2024, kl. 14:00
At this seminar Professor Rob van Gestel is going to introduce his new research project that concerns the legitimacy of judicial lawmaking in public interest litigation cases (PIL). The project is funded by the national research foundation of the Netherlands.
den 5 februari 2024, kl. 12:00
Yane Svetiev, Professor at University of Sydney Law School will present his draft competition law paper.
den 19 januari 2024, kl. 09:30
The conference aims both to deepen and broaden the attendees’ knowledge in European and Swedish competition law, while also updating the attendees’ substantive and methodological skills. The focus is on the current state of EU competition law and the conference places great importance on the current case law of the Union Courts and the European Commission. But also case law from Sweden is discussed extensively.
den 4 december 2023, kl. 11:30
Gloria Golmohammadi LLD Stockholm University will discuss (parts) of her recently defended thesis. Gloria’s thesis sheds light on an EU foundational principle, the principle of participatory democracy, and assesses its implications for EU multi-level law-making, focusing on how the principle can be given expression through consultation.
den 3 oktober 2023, kl. 09:00
At the seminar, leading experts on privacy and data protection from Asia, Australia and Europe will discuss the efforts of the EU to ensure an “adequate” level of data protection overseas under the GDPR.
den 18 september 2023, kl. 16:00
Institutet for Europeisk rätt, Offentligrättens seminarieserie och Institutet för rättsinformatik (IRI) bjuder in till gemensamt seminarium där Björn Lundqvist presenterar sin senaste bok Regulating Access and Transfer of Data, som undersöker den legala infrastrukturen för att samla in, lagra och distribuera data på nätet och sakernas internet.
den 16 juni 2023, kl. 14:00
The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute and Institute of European Law have the great pleasure and honour to invite Dragoş Tudorache MEP European Parliament and Rapporteur for the AI Act.
den 23 maj 2023, kl. 12:00
This paper claims that there is a compelling justification for EU action in criminal law to protect European public goods and other key transnational interests.
den 17 maj 2023, kl. 12:00
In a decision of 20 December 2022, the Swedish Supreme Court has finally acknowledged the duty for last instance courts to request preliminary rulings – even when no such request has been made by the parties. However plain the Supreme Court’s decision may seem to an EU lawyer, Swedish courts have shown a reluctance in seeking guidance from the Court of Justice of the European Union. Now it seems like the tide has finally turned.
den 9 mars 2023, kl. 12:00
Can it be argued that there exists a concept of Nordic citizenship, founded on inter-Nordic cooperation and its relationship with EU law and EEA law? The newly published antology, Free Movement of Persons in the Nordic States - EU Law, EEA Law, and Regional Cooperation, looks into a possible Nordic Citizenship (Hart Publishing). The editors present the anthology and discusses the outcome of the contributions.
den 2 mars 2023, kl. 11:30
The preliminary reference procedure has long been envisaged as a judicial dialogue between the European Court of Justice and national courts. However, in reality the relationship between the Luxembourg court and national Supreme Administrative Courts appears to be closer to a relationship of living apart together than to a happy marriage between equal partners.
den 21 februari 2023, kl. 12:00
Why do courts of precedent reference third-parties’ legal arguments in their judgments?
den 6 december 2022, kl. 16:00
Offentligrätten i samarrangemang med Forum för en levande Europakonvention och Stiftelsen Rättsfonden bjuder in till seminariet "Europadomstolens rättspraxis i svensk rätt".
den 16 november 2022, kl. 17:00
We have the privilege to present Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann, University Zürich, President of the Swiss Competition Commission, as a speaker. He will make a presentation regarding two- and multi-sided markets, networks and ecosystems from an economic and EU competition law perspective.
den 27 september 2022, kl. 12:00
The EU Competition Law Damages Directive, is it Facilitating Private Damages Actions in the EU? Two leading experts reflect on the fact that suits for damages have increased dramatically in the field of EU Competition Law and that the legal development is rapidly developing. Please register by 26 September 2022. Zoom link will be sent to registered participants on 26 September 2022.
den 22 september 2022, kl. 11:30
The seminar will be held at Stockholm University, Department of Law, C-building, Faculty room on the 8th floor. Please register until September 20th.
den 20 september 2022, kl. 12:00
The EU Digital Markets Act and the proposed Data Act are discussed from a competition policy perspective. Please register by 18 September 2022. Zoom link will be sent to registered participants on 19 September 2022.
den 27 juni 2022, kl. 10:00
Välkommen till slutseminarium i konkurrensrätt. Marcus Skarpsvärd kommer under seminariet att lägga fram slutmanuskript till sitt pågående avhandlingsprojekt med ämbetstiteln: The Costs of Legal Certainty: A Forensically-Informed Methodology on How to Establish the Relevant Costs in Exclusionary Abuse Cases.
den 21 juni 2022, kl. 09:00
Yttrandefriheten och dess gränser har i alla tider varit ett kontroversiellt och mångfacetterat ämne. Förutom gränsytan mot övergripande samhällsintressen såsom allmän ordning och säkerhet bryts yttrandefriheten mot andra individuella rättigheter som följer av den Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna (EKMR) såsom rätten till religionsfrihet.
den 1 juni 2022, kl. 12:00
Prof Tuomas Mylly's paper discusses constitutionalisations of European intellectual property law from the perspective of social acceleration. He maintains that the judicature, the executive and the private sphere continue to replace the legislators as the critical drivers of intellectual property policies.
den 16 mars 2022, kl. 12:00
Article 22 is one of the most discussed articles of the GDPR. Scholarship has focused on many aspects of this cryptic article: its scope of application, the right to be informed about automated decision-making, the notion of appropriate measures to safeguard the data subject’s legitimate interests, etc. Among these elements, the talk will focus on article 22 (1) of the regulation.
den 10 mars 2022, kl. 11:30
A discussion regarding the regulation of large digital platforms and the judgement of the General Court in the Google Shopping case. What are the implications of the DMA for Nordic businesses and how will the judgement shape the future competition law analysis? Please register by 8 March 2022. Zoom link will be sent to registered participants on 9 March 2022.
den 24 februari 2022, kl. 15:00
den 25 januari 2022, kl. 12:00
At the seminar, three main aspects of the enforcement of EU privacy rights in the light of the Schrems rulings regarding the EU-US “Safe Harbour” and “Privacy Shield” will be addressed.
den 15 december 2021, kl. 12:00
Dr Noreen O’Meara's paper discusses the redesign of the UK-EU extradition framework for extradition/surrender, considering its strengths and shortcomings, and initial judicial testing in the courts. This analysis is contextualised by the UK-Ireland extradition relationship, which faced the greatest impact under the new surrender regime.
den 10 december 2021, kl. 12:00
The proposed Digital Markets Act (DMA) and its implications for competition law enforcement from a European and national perspective.
den 29 november 2021, kl. 12:00
Professor Ulla Neergaard, Copenhagen University, Associate professor Jaan Paju, Stockholm University and Professor Juha Raitio, Helsinki University discusses in this seminar the Nordic closure of borders during the pandemic out of a free movement of persons perspective.
den 16 november 2021, kl. 13:00
At this final doctoral seminar PhD Candidate Gloria Golmohammadi will present the draft of her doctoral thesis.
den 10 november 2021, kl. 14:00
Seminar in EU-Law with doctoral candidate Arvin Tayari
den 8 oktober 2021, kl. 12:00
Seminar in EU-Law with Professor of Governance and Sociology of Law at the Copenhagen Business School Poul Fritz Kjær. Please register by 6 October 2021. Zoom link the link will be sent out to registered participants on 7 October 2021.
den 23 juni 2021, kl. 13:00
Fredrik Bergman och Alexander Ottosson från Centrum för rättvisa redogör för Europadomstolens dom och dess betydelse för skyddet för den personliga integriteten och rättsstaten i den digitala tidsåldern. Moderator är Claes Granmar, docent i europarätt vid Stockholms universitet.
den 17 juni 2021, kl. 10:00
At this final doctoral seminar Niousha Nademi presents the draft of his doctoral thesis “Market Definition in Digital Markets”.
den 10 juni 2021, kl. 12:00
In recent times there had been a series of money laundering scandals implicating some of the largest and reputed banks across the European Union, including Sweden.
den 21 maj 2021, kl. 12:00
The current EU Commission has promised to improve the working conditions of gig workers, which are regularly self-employed, without EU competition law standing in the way. DG Comp followed up on this promise and launched an initiative in January 2021 to explore a variety of policies to avoid EU competition law denying self-employed access to concluding collective agreements.
den 21 april 2021, kl. 12:00
Several times a month, the CJEU delivers judgments on the fundamental rights of companies. The cases concern a wide range of rights including property, the right to conduct a business, freedom of expression, privacy and the right to a fair trial. Up to now, no comprehensive evaluation of this case law has been carried out.
den 19 mars 2021, kl. 12:00
Olivier Linden and Sybe de Vries discusses the future challenges for the Internal Market in the light of the current Coronacrisis.
den 18 februari 2021, kl. 15:00
Professor Anu Bradford discusses her recently published book The Brussels Effect. The book challenges the prevalent view that the European Union is a declining world power. It argues that notwithstanding its many obvious challenges, the EU remains an influential superpower that shapes the world in its image through a phenomenon called the “Brussels Effect.”
den 22 januari 2021, kl. 15:00
Article 6(2) TEU requires the EU, an institution which has been in a constant state of evolution for over six decades, to accede to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“ECHR”) a creature of the Council of Europe (“CoE”) which, along with its legal system, has travelled its own evolutionary path over the same period.
den 17 december 2020, kl. 12:00
During the last decades, the European Union has been stepping up its efforts to improve the effectiveness of EU law enforcement, not least by setting up enforcement networks in key areas of the Internal Market. In her talk, Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt will introduce the general trend towards network governance in the EU and highlight some of its main challenges in the context of enforcement.
den 26 november 2020, kl. 10:00
There will be a need to adopt rules on controlling barriers to trade within the UK, ie England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland (though Northern Ireland is in effect part of the EU, for goods, under the Protocol attached to the Withdrawal agreement). Stephen Weatherill discusses in this webinar how to replace EU law in UK 2021.
den 23 oktober 2020, kl. 12:00
In this seminar, Dr Marios Iacovides, Research Fellow at the University of Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law, will present his one year research project in Oxford "Competition law in the Anthropocene epoch – How can EU competition law act as a public policy tool to further the European Green Deal’s goals?"
den 25 september 2020, kl. 12:00
Frågan om huruvida det finns konstitutionella gränser för att tillämpa EU-rättsliga regler i de nationella rättsordningarna har till största delen lämnats oreglerad i medlemsstaternas författningar.
den 18 juni 2020, kl. 16:00
Institutet för Europeisk rätt in cooperation with International Academic Society of Competition Law Scholars (ASCOLA) Nordic section invites you to an open seminar 18 June 16:00 - 18:00 on The Interface Between Privacy and Competition Law with Michal Gal, Orla Lynskey, Maria Wasastjerna, and Samson Y. Esayas.
den 29 maj 2020, kl. 12:00
Eduardo Gill-Pedro will at this webinar present a paper that he is currently working on, entitled "A company’s fundamental right to conduct business: reverse engineering a free market as an objective of EU law?". Please join us via Zoom (link will be sent upon registration).
den 15 maj 2020, kl. 12:00
In this talk Alexandre will present his research with Prof Daniel Crane (Michigan Law School) on competition law and fascism. By looking at the case of fascism in Spain, the hypothesis that the authors are testing is whether market concentration facilitates the raise of authoritarian regimes. Please join us via Zoom:
den 3 mars 2020, kl. 12:00
The seminar aims at analysing the special legal relations between the EU and Greenland, which, for reasons that will be discussed, necessitates a focus on the particular triangular EU-Greenland-Denmark relationship.
den 21 februari 2020, kl. 12:00
OBS! Lokalbyte. Forskarseminarium, kl. 12-14, Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law, Stockholms universitet, Biblioteketsbyggnaden, plan 6
den 13 februari 2020, kl. 09:00
Europeiska konventionen om de mänskliga fri- och rättigheterna (EKMR) och dess främsta uttolkare, Europadomstolen, har efter Sveriges inkorporering av konventionen 1995 kommit att spela en alltmer viktig roll i den rättsliga diskussionen i Sverige. Jur. Dr. Erik Wennerström är Sveriges domare vid Europadomstolen sedan 1 april 2019 och reflekterar över sitt första år som domare och reflekterar över domstolens verksamhet och hur den fungerar.
den 9 december 2019, kl. 15:00
This talk will explore how a revised Withdrawal Agreement might be obtained (which is not at all likely) and what might happen after a no-deal Brexit, concentrating in particular on citizens’ rights and the rule of law crisis, especially the constitutional aspects.
den 27 november 2019, kl. 12:00
Katri Havu will be on research visit to the SCCL. She is a well-known expert on European law on damages liability and on competition law. The presentations will be followed by discussion.
den 13 november 2019, kl. 15:00
Ester Herlin-Karnell discusses the notion of self-defense as a justification for waging war and how it potentially applies to the EU and its Member States.
den 1 oktober 2019, kl. 12:00
Kommerskollegium har nyligen publicerat rapporten ‘’Reforming compliance management in the Single Market – Discussion on a decentralised enforcement of EU law’’. Olivier Linden har i första hand utarbetat rapporten. Mot bakgrund av denna diskuteras på seminariet vägarna för en mer effektiv tillämpning av EU:s regler för den inre marknaden. Seminariet hålls delvis på engelska.
den 20 september 2019, kl. 12:00
The role of the UK Parliament has evolved in prominence during the Brexit saga, with clashes between the Prime Minister and parliament now dominating national developments. This paper explores these clashes and shifts in power, and examines the issues currently being litigated in the High Court and UK Supreme Court in R (Miller) v Prime Minister.
den 17 september 2019, kl. 12:00
The author argues that the legal framework for EU foreign affairs must adapt in a changing world so as to ensure the EU treaties can cater for a more assertive Europe in the wider world.
den 20 juni 2019, kl. 10:00
At the seminar, Niousha Nademi will present parts of his doctoral dissertation entitled ‘Market Definition in the ICT sector’
den 28 maj 2019, kl. 12:00
Karin Leijon, doktor i statskunskap vid Uppsala universitet och forskare vid statsvetenskapliga institutionen, presenterar sin avhandling med titeln National Courts as Gatekeepers in European Integration: Examining the Choices National Courts Make in the Preliminary Ruling Procedure (2018).
den 3 april 2019, kl. 12:00
Christian Franklin is a Professor of Law at the University of Bergen, specialising in EU and EEA law. He is a Barrister (Gray’s Inn), joint manager of the Bergen Centre for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) and the University of Bergen Law Faculty’s Research Group for Competition and Market law. He is also a Board Member of the Norwegian Association for European Law.
den 20 mars 2019, kl. 12:00
Andreas Moberg presenterar sitt kapitel i den nyligen utkomna EU och nationalstatens återkomst, Europaperspektiv 2019.
den 11 mars 2019, kl. 10:00
Vid seminariet presenterar Pernilla Norman delar av sitt avhandlingsarbete. Efter en kort presentation kommer seminariets opponent, universitetslektor Björn Lundqvist, kommentera texterna. Därefter är det öppet för frågor och diskussion.
den 26 februari 2019, kl. 14:00
At the seminar, Gloria Golmohammadi will present a draft of selected chapters from her doctoral thesis. After a short presentation, the opponent at the seminar, Jur.dr. Anna Wallerman, Associate Senior Lecturer at Gothenburg University, will comment the manuscript. Subsequently, there will be time for questions and discussion.
den 15 februari 2019, kl. 12:00
Konstantinos Sidiropoulos is a doctoral researcher in competition law and a tutor in EU law and competition law at the University of Oxford. He is working under the supervision of Professor Stephen Weatherill, exploring the influence of the constitutional and institutional peculiarities of the EU on the concept of abuse of dominance under Article 102 TFEU. At the seminar, Konstantinos Sidiropoulos will present part of his doctoral thesis.
den 18 januari 2019, kl. 12:00
Dr Angela Ward will be speaking in Stockholm of the role of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the development of anti-discrimination law. Her presentation would be of interest to people involved in advising and practicing in this field of law, along with academic researchers.
den 10 december 2018, kl. 15:00
In all probability, the UK will leave the EU on 29 March 2019. For several months, the two parties have been negotiating a Withdrawal Agreement, but there are still some highly sensitive issues to be resolved – notably the problem of the Irish border. If a consensus is reached by the deadline set by the EU (October 2018), the Withdrawal Agreement will be signed then and it will be the main focus of the seminar.
den 27 november 2018, kl. 12:00
Lars Karlander är jur.dr i konstitutionell rätt. Han disputerade tidigare i år vid Uppsala universitet med avhandlingen The ECJ’s Adjudication of Fundamental Rights Conflicts – In Search of a Fair Balance.
den 15 november 2018, kl. 15:00
Stefan Enchelmaier is Dr iur (Bonn) habil (Munich) LLM (Edinb) MA (Oxon), Professor of European and Comparative Law at the University of Oxford, and Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. His research and teaching is in EU law, especially the internal market, and in English and comparative private law.
den 19 oktober 2018, kl. 12:00
Beata Mäihäniemi (LL.D.) is a post-doctoral researcher in law and digitalization at the Legal Tech Lab, University of Helsinki Twitter: @beatamaihaniemi E-mail:
den 20 september 2018, kl. 12:00
This seminar will consider recent legal and policy developments relating to the operation of the European Arrest Warrant, focusing in particular on recent preliminary references from the Irish courts. This cluster of rulings sheds light on the rule of law considerations by the courts involved, illustrating current challenges for the EAW in the context of Brexit (C-327/18 PPU, RO) and alleged rule of law regression (C-216/18 PPU, 'Celmer').
den 25 maj 2018, kl. 10:00
Pernilla McAlevey (1990 – 2017) var en uppskattad kollega och vän vid EU-rätten vid Stockholms universitet. Minnesseminariet utgår från det som Pernilla brann för: mänskliga rättigheter.
den 16 april 2018, kl. 12:00
Lunch seminar
den 22 mars 2018, kl. 11:30
Lunchseminarium, Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Stockholms universitet
den 12 mars 2018, kl. 16:00
Afternoon seminar at Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law, Stockholm University
den 19 januari 2018, kl. 12:00
Lunch seminar
den 18 december 2017, kl. 12:00
Lunch Seminar
den 11 december 2017, kl. 16:00
This seminar will consider some recent case law from the CJEU and will explore some outstanding questions from earlier case law.
den 27 november 2017, kl. 12:00
This seminar uses Brexit as a “lens” through which the legal nature of EU citizenship and associated rights can be examined.
den 20 oktober 2017, kl. 12:00
The development of fundamental rights within the EU is strongly linked with the EU Single Market. Not only has the EU Single Market constituted the source for the development of an EU autonomous fundamental rights regime, but it also raises barriers to the realization of fundamental rights by Member States.
den 16 oktober 2017, kl. 16:00
Lately, the concept of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) has featured high in newspaper headlines, parliamentary debates, and even in mass street protests in some EU Member States. The reasons for such sudden, unusual attention are manifold. In such situation, it does not come as a big surprise that also the judiciary is eventually seized with the matter.
den 22 september 2017, kl. 12:00
At the start of the Brexit process, the role of the UK Parliament in triggering Article 50 TEU was heavily and very publicly contested. Since the UK Supreme Court's judgment in Miller confirmed Parliament's role in this regard, concern has shifted to the extent to which Parliament can influence the nature of Brexit.
den 19 maj 2017, kl. 14:00
The Institute of European Law (Institutet för Europeisk rätt) invites you to a seminar in EU law with Alison McDonnell & Leonard Besselink.
den 10 december 2016, kl. 14:00
The EU has undergone a number of crises in the last few years - the economic and financial crisis (“the Eurozone crisis”), the border crisis (“refugee crisis”) and the “rule of law crisis”, to mention just those that still make the headlines of the European newspapers.
den 28 november 2016, kl. 12:30
This seminar presents some recent developments in EU free movement law and examines the implications for ‘who’ may move and reside freely in other Member States and under what conditions these rights are protected as a result. It also looks at the wider political context in which these developments have taken place and addresses whether free movement law should be reformed further.
den 16 september 2016, kl. 14:00
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; revolution in fundamental rights protection in the Member States of the EU or mere reinforcement?
den 15 juni 2016, kl. 10:00
Vid seminariet lägger Helene Andersson fram manus till sitt avhandlingsprojekt där hon behandlar Europeiska kommissionens gryningsräder i konkurrensärenden ur ett rättighetsperspektiv.
den 20 januari 2016, kl. 12:00
The competitive position of the EU in the world depends not only on pure economic (trade) power but also on the ever increasing regulatory impact of the Union.
den 16 december 2015, kl. 12:00
The principle of subsidiarity is one of the most contested issues in EU law scholarship. The concerns related to the principle are both substantive and institutional.
den 3 december 2015, kl. 12:00
Citizen and stakeholder consultation is gaining attention in EU policy and law-making at both the national and EU-level. And while the spotlight is increasingly being directed at stakeholder participation in EU legislative processes, legal considerations relevant to stakeholder consultation remain murky.
den 7 september 2015, kl. 12:00
At the seminar Eduardo Gill-Pedro will discuss the distinction, made by Dworkin, between arguments of policy and arguments of principle. The former justifies a particular decision on the grounds that it advances or protects some common goal of the community, the latter justifies a decision on the grounds that it respects or secures some individual or group right.
den 12 februari 2015, kl. 12:00
At the seminar Jacob Öberg will present his PhD thesis “LIMITS TO EU POWERS: A case study on individual criminal sanctions for the enforcement of EU law”. The thesis focuses on the limits of the exercise of EU competences using EU criminal policy as a case study.
den 8 december 2014, kl. 14:00
Concentrating on EU law and the European Convention on Human Rights, Prof. Peter Oliver will consider the fundamental rights which commercial companies currently enjoy, and those which they should enjoy in a variety of fields (e.g. access to justice, property, privacy and freedom of expression).
den 23 oktober 2014, kl. 10:00
Vid seminariet lägger Jaan Paju fram manus till sitt avhandlingsprojekt om EU-rättens påverkan på de nationella sociala trygghetssystemen. Docent Thomas Erhag från Göteborgs universitet deltar i seminariet som opponent.
den 30 september 2014, kl. 17:00
Vid seminariet lägger Helene Andersson fram manus till sitt avhandlingsprojekt. Projektet behandlar Europeiska kommissionens förfarande i konkurrensärenden och den efterföljande rättsliga prövningen ur ett rättighetsperspektiv.
den 17 september 2014, kl. 12:00
At the seminar Iris Goldner Lang will talk about the EU financial crisis and its legal implications at the EU level, at Member States level and their interface. She will discuss the responses to the financial crisis in terms of financial assistance mechanisms and rules, and will particularly focus on the Treaty change, the ESM and the Fiscal Compact.
den 28 april 2014, kl. 12:00
EU-rätten kommer till i ett politiskt spänningsfält mellan kommissionen, rådet, parlamentet och domstolen. Politiska frågor blandas med juridiska frågor i ett komplicerat samspel mellan institutionerna.
den 24 mars 2014, kl. 12:00
Speaker: Dr Angela Ward holds a doctorate from the EUI, is an English barrister, has been a lecturer at, i.a., the University of Cambridge and is at present a référendaire at the European Court of Justice.
den 13 mars 2014, kl. 15:00
It has been now nearly ten years that Regulation 1 has been in force. From the beginning the Commission hailed it as a legal and cultural revolution and anticipated major consequences in the way competition law would be enforced.
den 7 februari 2014, kl. 12:00
En, relativt sett, intensiv akademisk debatt om lämpligheten med att EU ska ha en fördragsfäst straffrättslig kompetens har pågått under många år, i vart fall sedan de kända miljödomarna kom 2005 respektive 2007.
den 22 oktober 2013, kl. 12:00
Under seminariet kommer Ulf Öberg att kommentera SOU 2011:69 Olagligt statsstöd, JK:s remissvar över utredningen, regeringens prop. 2012/13:84 Olagligt statsstöd samt lag (2013:388) om tillämpning av Europeiska unionens statsstödsregler i ljuset av bl.a. EU-domstolens dom av den 8 december 2011 i mål C-275/10, Residex Capital IV, REU 2011, s. I-0000 och statens processföring på spelområdet i bl.a. Unibetmålet.
den 11 oktober 2013, kl. 13:00
On 1 July 2013 the European Union welcomed the Republic of Croatia as its twenty-eighth Member State. Croatia’s accession represents an important step in completing the construction of the EU, but also a touch stone for the Union’s enlargement policy.
den 19 juni 2013, kl. 12:20
Den 18 juli 2013 satte EU-domstolen punkt för en riktig långkörare om kraven när EU ska genomföra beslut av FN:s säkerhetsråd att ”svartlista” terrorister.
den 12 juni 2013, kl. 12:00
Vid seminariet kommer Helene Andersson att diskutera domstolsprövningen i konkurrensmål. Har företagen rätt till en prövning av myndigheternas agerande i samband med gryningsräder och hur ingående måste domstolarna sedan pröva de beslut som konkurrensmyndigheterna fattar efter avslutad utredning?
den 14 mars 2013, kl. 15:00
Article 102: Tying Together the Threads in Recent Case Law
den 28 november 2012, kl. 12:30
This lunch discussion will address a number of issues. Is equality a free standing right in the post Lisbon European Union? Or is it simply a means to market integration? Or is it both?
den 1 november 2012, kl. 12:00
Judicial legitimacy is a classical issue of theory of law and constitutional law, whose object is to determine how the legitimacy, i.e. the quality of a body that leads people to accept its authority, of the judiciary is or can be asserted.
den 9 oktober 2012, kl. 12:30
Björn Lundqvist will discuss his recent paper (draft article) triggered by the recently delivered preliminary ruling by the CJEU in the Compass case (C-138/11).
den 14 september 2012, kl. 13:00
The existing scholarship on the role of national constitutional courts in the EU focuses on conflicts. Studies that explore the jurisprudence of national constitutional courts, which put limits on the effects of EU law in national legal systems, or which even seek to curb the process of European integration, abound.
den 4 maj 2012, kl. 13:00
In this seminar the project team will present first preliminary findings from their project on Member States–ECJ relations, financed by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation. They contribute with new and more valid data, compared to previous empirical analyses, on the much-debated question of EU Member States’ powers over the ECJ.
den 12 april 2012, kl. 12:00
The current fiscal crisis in the EU, particularly in Greece was an accident waiting to happen since the launching of the economic and monetary union (EMU) and euro in 1999. This crisis had developed and spread across the euro zone to the extent that it has threatened even the very survival of the single currency project of the EU.
den 26 mars 2012, kl. 12:00
Can a Swedish national return “home” from Switzerland and claim Swedish family benefits entirely based on Swiss income levels? Or does the underlying idea of co-ordination mean that one should aggregate incomes from two or more countries (i.e an income from one state is not sufficient as there is no aggregation).
den 24 februari 2012, kl. 12:30
With the entering into force of the Lisbon Treaty the EU was provided with explicit criminal law competence. Of special importance is Article 82 TFEU (on mutual recognition and harmonization in the area of criminal procedure), Article 83 TFEU (on harmonisation of substantive criminal law), Article 86 (on the European Public Prosecutor) and Article 325 (on the protection of the financial interests of the Union).
den 16 november 2011, kl. 12:00
In my research I apply a critical legal perspective on the current direction of development of the EU food regulation. Analysing three regulatory mechanisms—mutual recognition, scientific risk regulation and standardisation— and their role in the evolution of food legislation in the EU, I attempt at showing the inadequacy of the current framework in facing the challenges of enlargement.
den 5 oktober 2011, kl. 12:00
The Treaty of Lisbon did not bring substantial changes to the rules on free movement of capital. By virtue of Article 63 (1) TFEU, free movement of capital slightly differs from the other fundamental freedoms by extending its (protective) scope of application over third country capital flows directed from or to non-member states (‘cross-border capital flows/movements').
den 27 september 2011, kl. 12:00
David Gerber är en av världens ledande forskare i konkurrensrätt och är inbjuden till fakulteten som gästföreläsare.H an har nyligen publicerat arbetet Global Competition: Law, Markets and Globalization. Avsikten är att vid seminariet diskutera aktuella forskningsfrågor och -problem inom konkurrensrätten.
den 2 maj 2011, kl. 12:30
The Swedish legal landscape has undergone significant changes in the past decades. Europeanisation and globalisation have opened the door to legal norms enacted outside Swedish boarders and Swedish jurists today deal with rules, regulations and principles from the EU, the Council of Europe and many other international organisations.
den 12 april 2011, kl. 12:00
I nordamerikansk idrott förekommer sedan länge lönetak, d.v.s. åtgärder som begränsar hur mycket pengar lag kan spendera på spelarlöner.
den 22 mars 2011, kl. 12:00
På senare tid har kommissionens hantering av konkurrensärenden debatterats intensivt bland framförallt praktiker. Många menar att nuvarande ordning, där kommissionen inte bara agerar utredare och åklagare utan även domare, strider mot såväl den numera bindande Rättighetsstadgan som Europakonventionen.
den 1 december 2010, kl. 12:00
Claes Granmar presenterar sin avhandling med titeln ”Trade mark Paradoxes in European Brand Competition”. Claes Granmar disputerade nyligen vid EUI.
den 8 november 2010, kl. 12:00
Den 8 november talar doktorand Helene Andersson på temat ”Konkurrensmyndigheternas utredningsbefogenheter – balans mellan effektivitet och rättssäkerhet?”.
den 6 oktober 2010, kl. 12:00
Björn Lundquist presenterar huvudtesen i sin avhandling “Joint Research and Development and Patent Pools under the Antitrust Laws of the USA and the Competition Rules of the European Union: a Comparative Study of the Antitrust Rules Governing Collaborations for the Creation and Marketing of Intellectual Property Rights.” Avhandlingen försvarades vid EUI, Florens i maj 2010.
den 8 september 2010, kl. 12:00
Vid seminariet kommer prof. Bernitz att presentera sin SIEPS-rapport (2010:2) "Förhandsavgöranden av EU-domstolen. Svenska domstolars hållning och praxis."
den 28 maj 2010, kl. 14:00
At the seminar Anna Falk, Joni Helikoski and Christophe Hillion will give their views on the recent judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU in the case C-246/07 Commission v. Sweden, which raises important issues concerning the duty of cooperation in EU external relations.
den 7 maj 2010, kl. 12:00
Vid seminariet presenterar Jane Reichel huvudtesen i sin kommande bok ”Ansvarsutkrävande – svenska myndigheter i EU”. I forskningsprojektet undersöks hur den svenska förvaltningens alltmer omfattande verksamhet inom ramen för EU-samarbetet har påverkat förutsättningarna för att utkräva ansvar från förvaltningen.
den 16 april 2010, kl. 12:00
Vladimir Bastidas presents and criticially discusses the recent developments of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the area of free movement of goods with a special focus on restrictions on use.
den 26 mars 2010, kl. 16:00
Vid seminariet presenterar Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt sin forskning kring institutionella spänningar mellan EU och EPO (Europeiska patentorganisationen) i frågor om patentering av biotekniska uppfinningar.
den 12 mars 2010, kl. 16:00
Elisabeth Legnerfält diskuterar särskilt vilka krav ställs på apoteksbolag i den svenska lagstiftningen samt vilka krav får ställas enligt EU-domstolens senaste praxis. Frågorna är aktuella inte minst i ljuset av den senaste avregleringen av den svenska apoteksmarknaden.