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Individual Rights Arguments Before the Court of Justice: An Empirical Exploration of Preliminary References

den 25 februari 2025, kl. 12:00 till 13:30

Seminar with Johan Lindholm, Professor of Law at Umeå University

How do individual rights shape law? Who invokes them, against whom, and why? Do legal actors have principled positions on individual rights – and if so what are those positions – or do they use individuals rights to further their own strategic interests? Although these questions are of great importance to European Union law, a legal order organized around different individual rights, we know relatively little about how individual rights are used, by whom, and to what effect. Professor Johan Lindholm will present a working paper that empirically explores how individual rights arguments are wielded in preliminary reference cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union. This approach provides new insights into how individual rights influence EU law and judicial law-making, shape the balance of power, and blur the line between legal norms and political strategy.

The seminar will be held at Stockholm University, Department of Law, Faculty room, Universitetsvägen 10, building C, 8th floor.
Please register by February 20th. Coffee and sandwiches will be served to registered participants.

Warm welcome!
Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt and Björn Lundqvist

Detta seminarium ägde rum den den 25 februari 2025