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The Proposal for an AI Act from the perspective of the European legislator - where are we, and where are we going?

den 16 juni 2023, kl. 14:00 till 15:30

The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute and Institute of European Law have the great pleasure and honour to invite Dragoş Tudorache MEP European Parliament and Rapporteur for the AI Act.

The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute and Institute of European Law have the great pleasure and honour to invite Dragoş Tudorache MEP, European Parliament, to deliver a talk at the department of Law, Stockholm University. Mr Tudorache is the Chair of the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age (AIDA) and the LIBE rapporteur on the AI Act. He will discuss the legislative process that has characterised the AI Act thus far as well as provide insights into future developments. Associate Professor Stanley Greenstein will act as discussant.

Venue: Stockholm Centre of Commercial Law (SCCL), Stockholm University, Universitetsvägen 10, Library building, 6th floor.

Detta seminarium ägde rum den den 16 juni 2023