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A new era for EU law and preliminary rulings in Sweden?

den 17 maj 2023, kl. 12:00 till 13:30

In a decision of 20 December 2022, the Swedish Supreme Court has finally acknowledged the duty for last instance courts to request preliminary rulings – even when no such request has been made by the parties. However plain the Supreme Court’s decision may seem to an EU lawyer, Swedish courts have shown a reluctance in seeking guidance from the Court of Justice of the European Union. Now it seems like the tide has finally turned.

During the seminar, Elisabeth Eklund, Partner at Advokatfirman Delphi, and Helene Andersson, Counsel at Advokatfirman Delphi and Associate Professor in EU Law, will present the Supreme Court’s ruling and discuss its potential impact in Sweden and elsewhere in the European Union where requests for preliminary rulings are scarce. Graham Butler, Professor of Law at the University of Southern Denmark, will act as discussant.

Location: Stockholm University, Universitetsvägen 10, Library building, 6th floor, Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law (SCCL).

Coffee and sandwiches will be served to registered participants. Please register latest on May 15th.


Björn Lundqvist

Detta seminarium ägde rum den den 17 maj 2023