Gloria Golmohammadi LLD Stockholm University will discuss (parts) of her recently defended thesis. Gloria’s thesis sheds light on an EU foundational principle, the principle of participatory democracy, and assesses its implications for EU multi-level law-making, focusing on how the principle can be given expression through consultation.
It is clear from the primary Treaty article giving shape to the principle of participatory democracy, that consultation is a key duty. Gloria’s doctoral thesis offers a contribution to understanding how law-making consultation can advance the realization of the principle of participatory democracy. It focuses on consultation as a multi-level phenomenon occurring at the EU and national level, using Sweden as the reference case. The thesis first unpacks the principle of participatory democracy, tracing its origins and theoretical underpinnings and identifies key legal rights and obligations flowing from the principle. Drawing on case studies, current law-making consultation practices at the EU level and national Swedish level (remissväsendet) are assessed to determine to what degree they adhere to or conflict with the identified key legal obligations. Based on this analysis, suggestions are offered to improve the quality of consultations so that the realization of the principle of participatory democracy is significantly advanced.
Faculty room at the Stockholm University Law Faculty and via zoom
Please register by 4 December 2023
Zoom link will be sent out in the morning of 4 December 2023
Professor Björn Lundqvist, Moderator
Professor Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt