
Slutseminarium: Nationell upphandling av ramavtal för tech-tjänster ur konkurrens-, upphandlingsrättsligt och dataskyddsperspektiv Seminarium

Vid seminariet presenterar Pernilla Norman sitt avhandlingsarbete. Efter en kort presentation kommer seminariets opponent, docent och advokat Helene Andersson, Advokatfirman Delphi kommentera arbetet. Därefter är det öppet för frågor och diskussion.


Individual Rights Arguments Before the Court of Justice: An Empirical Exploration of Preliminary References Seminarium

Seminar with Johan Lindholm, Professor of Law at Umeå University


The Future of European Legal Scholarship Seminarium

Seminar with Professor Rob van Gestel. Rob van Gestel is professor of theory and methods of regulation at Tilburg University and professor of legal research methods at the KU Leuven. In his research he is focused on methodology of both law and legal research with a focus on methods of legislation/regulation, methods of judicial law-making and methods of scholarly legal research.


COMPETITION LAW 2025 Seminarium

The conference aims both to deepen and broaden the attendees’ knowledge in European and Swedish competition law, while also updating the attendees’ substantive and methodological skills. The focus is on the current state of EU competition law and the conference places great importance on the current case law of the Union Courts and the European Commission. But also case law from Sweden is discussed extensively.


The DMA: A Drama in Three Acts Seminarium

Associate Professor Julian Nowag (Lund and Hong Kong) will precent his recent publication "When the DMA’s ambitious intentions interact with the EU’s constitutional set-up: A future drama in three acts"


The European Union, Environmental Crime and Ecocide Seminarium

Dr Noreen O’Meara is an Associate Professor (Reader) of Human Rights, European and Environmental Law at the University of Surrey, UK. Noreen is a visiting Associate Professor at Stockholm University, contributing to the Masters in European Economic Law programme at the Faculty of Law. Current research projects focus especially on environmental governance, environmental pollution, and challenges in the trade policy landscape.


The European Public Prosecutor’s Office and its impact on national criminal procedure: Spain and Sweden in a comparative perspective Seminarium

Seminar with Mar Jimeno Bulnes. Mar Jimenos Buelnes is Professor of Procedural Law, University of Burgos and currently Visiting Researcher at the University of Gothenburg. During the seminar she will present work in progress on her ongoing research project.


”En reformerad EU-domstol” - Seminarium med Nils Wahl, EU-domstolen, Jan Olsson, Statsrådsberedningen, och Jur. Dr. Magnus Schmauch Seminarium

EU-domstolen har förändrats. Personaldomstolen har avskaffats och tribunalen har fått dubbelt antal ledamöter. Prövningstillstånd har införts för vissa överklaganden från tribunalen till domstolen. I år kommer kravet på prövningstillstånd utvidgas och tribunalen ska ta över ansvaret för förhandsavgöranden i vissa sakfrågor, bland annat mervärdesskattefrågor.


Beaktas unionsrättens genomslag i svensk arbetsrätt vid övergång av verksamhet? - Seminarium med Jur. Dr. Annika Blekemo Seminarium

Annika Blekemo disputerade i februari och baserat på avhandlingen ”Entreprenadövergång – Anställningsskyddets gränser vid övergång av verksamhet” delar hon några tankar om hur vi nationellt fastställer gällande rätt på ett område som i stora delar styrs av EU-rättens dynamik och om vi verkligen uppnår en EU-konform tolkning.  Kommentator: Katarina Fast Lappalainen


EU law and private norm making after Super League, in and beyond sports Seminarium

Seminar with professor Johan Lindholm from Umeå University.


Legitimacy of judicial lawmaking in public interest litigation cases (PIL) in Europe and beyond Seminarium

At this seminar Professor Rob van Gestel is going to introduce his new research project that concerns the legitimacy of judicial lawmaking in public interest litigation cases (PIL). The project is funded by the national research foundation of the Netherlands.


The re-orientation of platform regulation: Treading water or experimenting? Seminarium

Yane Svetiev, Professor at University of Sydney Law School will present his draft competition law paper.


COMPETITION LAW 2024 Seminarium

The conference aims both to deepen and broaden the attendees’ knowledge in European and Swedish competition law, while also updating the attendees’ substantive and methodological skills. The focus is on the current state of EU competition law and the conference places great importance on the current case law of the Union Courts and the European Commission. But also case law from Sweden is discussed extensively.


Realizing the Principle of Participatory Democracy in the EU - The Role of Law-making Consultation Seminarium

Gloria Golmohammadi LLD Stockholm University will discuss (parts) of her recently defended thesis. Gloria’s thesis sheds light on an EU foundational principle, the principle of participatory democracy, and assesses its implications for EU multi-level law-making, focusing on how the principle can be given expression through consultation.


EU external trade and the challenges of “adequate” data protection Seminarium

At the seminar, leading experts on privacy and data protection from Asia, Australia and Europe will discuss the efforts of the EU to ensure an “adequate” level of data protection overseas under the GDPR.


Seminarium: Regulating Access and Transfer of Data Seminarium

Institutet for Europeisk rätt, Offentligrättens seminarieserie och Institutet för rättsinformatik (IRI) bjuder in till gemensamt seminarium där Björn Lundqvist presenterar sin senaste bok Regulating Access and Transfer of Data, som undersöker den legala infrastrukturen för att samla in, lagra och distribuera data på nätet och sakernas internet.


The Proposal for an AI Act from the perspective of the European legislator - where are we, and where are we going? Seminarium

The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute and Institute of European Law have the great pleasure and honour to invite Dragoş Tudorache MEP European Parliament and Rapporteur for the AI Act.


Seminar on Normative Foundations for European Criminal Law Seminarium

This paper claims that there is a compelling justification for EU action in criminal law to protect European public goods and other key transnational interests.


A new era for EU law and preliminary rulings in Sweden? Seminarium

In a decision of 20 December 2022, the Swedish Supreme Court has finally acknowledged the duty for last instance courts to request preliminary rulings – even when no such request has been made by the parties. However plain the Supreme Court’s decision may seem to an EU lawyer, Swedish courts have shown a reluctance in seeking guidance from the Court of Justice of the European Union. Now it seems like the tide has finally turned.


Judicial dialogues between Supreme administrative courts and the ECJ Seminarium

The preliminary reference procedure has long been envisaged as a judicial dialogue between the European Court of Justice and national courts. However, in reality the relationship between the Luxembourg court and national Supreme Administrative Courts appears to be closer to a relationship of living apart together than to a happy marriage between equal partners.


Free Movement of Persons in the Nordic States Seminarium

Can it be argued that there exists a concept of Nordic citizenship, founded on inter-Nordic cooperation and its relationship with EU law and EEA law? The newly published antology, Free Movement of Persons in the Nordic States - EU Law, EEA Law, and Regional Cooperation, looks into a possible Nordic Citizenship (Hart Publishing). The editors present the anthology and discusses the outcome of the contributions.


Leaving doors ajar: The determinants of judicial law-making on the CJEU Seminarium

Why do courts of precedent reference third-parties’ legal arguments in their judgments?


Europadomstolens rättspraxis i svensk rätt Seminarium

Offentligrätten i samarrangemang med Forum för en levande Europakonvention och Stiftelsen Rättsfonden bjuder in till seminariet "Europadomstolens rättspraxis i svensk rätt".


From two-sided markets to digital ecosystems Seminarium

We have the privilege to present Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann, University Zürich, President of the Swiss Competition Commission, as a speaker. He will make a presentation regarding two- and multi-sided markets, networks and ecosystems from an economic and EU competition law perspective.


Tackling the plastics crisis through law - do European strategies offer scope for optimism? Seminarium

The seminar will be held at Stockholm University, Department of Law, C-building, Faculty room on the 8th floor. Please register until September 20th.
