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EU Competition Law as a Public Policy Tool to further the European Green Deal’s goals

den 23 oktober 2020, kl. 12:00

In this seminar, Dr Marios Iacovides, Research Fellow at the University of Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law, will present his one year research project in Oxford "Competition law in the Anthropocene epoch – How can EU competition law act as a public policy tool to further the European Green Deal’s goals?"

Please register latest on 21 October 2020.
Zoom link will be sent out to registered participants on 22 October 2020.

The aim of this proposed one-year research project is to investigate whether EU competition law and policy can act as a public policy tool to further the goals of the Green Deal. Essentially the project is about addressing three research questions. First, the goals of the Green Deal will have to be understood and described in terms that are relevant for a competition law audience. The second question relates to the debate about the goals of EU competition law, i.e. do they, or should they, include the goals (e.g. sustainability, social fairness) that the Green Deal will be shown to have. The third question, assuming the second one is answered in the positive, is how the goals of the Green Deal would be operationalised through EU competition law and policy.

The project builds on Marios’ previous work on a comprehensive empirical study on the goals of EU competition law (report forthcoming) and on the nexus between market power and unsustainable business practices. For background, participants are encouraged to read Marios’ recent research paper (with Christos Vrettos), on Article 102 and Sustainability, Stockholm Faculty of Law Research Paper no. 79, available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3699416.

Marios Iacovides is a Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. He obtained an LL.B with European Legal Studies at King’s College London, an LL.M in European Integration Law at Stockholm University, and an LL.D in European Law at Uppsala University. He has represented the Swedish Competition Authority as Legal Counsel on several competition law proceedings at first instance and on appeal and he is currently a Non-Governmental Advisor for DG Competition in the International Competition Network. He can be reached at SSRN (http://ssrn.com/author=2305396), Twitter (@mciacovides) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/iacovides).

Moderator: Associate Professor Jaan Paju, Stockholm University
Discussant: Associate senior lecturer Julian Nowag, Lund University


Detta seminarium ägde rum den den 23 oktober 2020